Okorie Mbah
Having honed his dance skills over the years, Mr. Mba was inspired to prepare the video included in this post, in which he shows viewers how to perform the Igbo War dance.
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by admin | Jan 17, 2021 | Impact, Publications, Videos | 0
Having honed his dance skills over the years, Mr. Mba was inspired to prepare the video included in this post, in which he shows viewers how to perform the Igbo War dance.
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
People from Afikpo, Ebonyi State delivered a rousing presentation of Nkwa Umuagbogho Dance at the...
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
As in previous years, attendees at the Igbo World Festival of Arts & Culture were treated to...
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
Check out this captivating dance performance by Igbo girls / young ladies (Umu Agbogho) at the 2016 Igbo World Festival of Arts & Culture.
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
The Reconnection Ceremony was one of the highlights of the 2016 Igbo World Festival of Arts and...
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
Watch Igbo girls deliver a well choreographed 3-Part dance presentation at the 2016 Igbo World Festival of Arts & Culture. The presentation was made possible
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
Igbo boys and men of all ages participate in a cultural dance presentation during the 2016 Igbo...
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
In this drama / presentation at the 2016 Igbo World Festival of Arts and Culture, Lilycent Ogbuagu and Chidozie Okoro (Chido) – both from Ebonyi State – shed light on the harmful effects of domestic violence on
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
Mmanwu masquerade was among the cultural presentations featured at the 3rd Igbo World Festival of...
Read Moreby admin | Sep 3, 2016 | 2016 Igbo World Festival, Igbo World Festival, Videos | 0
Attendees at the 2016 Igbo World Festival of Arts and Culture were treated to a song titled Nnoo...
Read MoreThe Reconnection tells the story of Igbos separated from their homeland through slavery and resettlement in America; and how African American descendants of these Igbos are tracing their roots back to their ancestral homes and reconnecting with their living relatives.
Read Moreby admin | Aug 15, 2016 | Igbo Village, Photos | 1
Check out these photos of the only Village of its kind in America! A tribute to ALL Igbos who helped develop America! A popular tourist destination and venue of the World Igbo Festival of Arts and Culture
Read MoreEach dance group came with beautiful dance uniforms and you could tell each group had their own style of dance; some were made up Nigerian dances, traditional dances or dances that were able to incorporate both. Read more “Igbo Village Virginia Trip -2”
I am here to bring other DNA tested African descendants that have learned their ancestry back home. It is our responsibility to make sure that we connect with our family, to learn where we come from . . . And now all you have to do is point me in the right direction because we are coming home. Read more “I am Igbo!”
I liked the dances and different group performances. I liked the first Gala Night because I was able to dance to the music the DJ was playing. I also liked the masquerades. I had a lot of fun there.
The family of Amadi O. Amadi congratulates CISA for the wonderful job of cultural renaissance they have since embarked upon in the Americas. Our Ancestors must be applauding you!
I could tell that building this exhibit was not a simple task. Even the mud used to build the homes was shipped from the home country itself. The hard work and dedication of the creators of this exhibit is shown in the careful detailing of the Village. Even live animals were brought to enhance the… Read more “My Experience at Igbo Village -1”
We met many other Igbo dancing groups from America. We mingled with them and ended up having a great time. . . and then we danced and got the best reaction from the crowd. That was an amazing experience for me. Right after our performance, our group was interviewed. Read more “My Trip to Virginia (Igbo Village) -1”
The graceful and purposeful Ogene Women of Northern Virginia, USA commend ndi CISA (CISA members) for hosting the 2018 Igbo World Festival of Arts and Culture here in Staunton, Virginia. We are proud of what you are doing for our children and their future – promoting and sustaining Igbo language and culture. Jisie nu ike… Read more “Keep Up the Good Work!”
We started having 2-3 hour practices every Sunday to ensure that we would be prepared to amaze everyone at Igbo Village. . . I had such a great time with my fellow youths and this experience made us all become even closer.
My favorite part of my trip to Igbo Village was getting to perform with my dance group, Focus Children School, at the Worldwide Igbo Cultural Festival. Getting to perform on such a large platform really boosted our sense of unity and friendship . . . We still talk about our experiences in Virginia.
But the one that I liked the most out of all the things we did, was the party. I definitely enjoyed it. We all had a great time jamming to the music, meeting new people, and going to a lot of places. For the most part this trip was extraordinary. I thank all the people that put the Igbo Village together. Read more “Virginia (Igbo Village) Trip”
The visit to Igbo Village was very educational in many ways. The environments of the area was realistic, which helped when obtaining the facts given. It was entertaining, especially with the different dances presented from groups across the country.
This event really opened my eyes to see how beautiful our culture is. From the music to the dancing to the food and clothes, they all played an important role in Igbo culture. When we came back home from our trip I took it upon my self to learn more about our culture. Read more “My Trip to Virginia (Igbo Village) -2”
Because of the strong spirit of the Igbos, of us, we have prevailed over the centuries. We continue to thrive. We continue to grow. As long as you stay together and teach us, we will be a people of strength. We will be a people of pride. We will be a people to be reckoned with through all time. Read more “We were Divided and Separated”
I felt that the Igbo Village had the chance to be a very enjoyable and successful trip that would not only better my knowledge on Igbo Culture but also help me bridge long lasting and fond memories. I thank the people that put Igbo Village together where we can come together to celebrate our culture. Read more “A taste of home . . . Igbo Village”
One thing I will not forget is how when we performed, everyone was on their feet and cheering us on and the crowd was so loud for us . . . More than anything, the dance performances, the masquerade, skits were my favorite part of the trip. Read more “Igbo Village Virginia Trip -3”
This event is very significant because it represents a healing. It represents a reconnection. It represents a reunification of people – our brothers and sisters born in Africa and those of us born in this country (USA). We are coming together. The time to heal is here. The time for us to connect as communities… Read more “Time to Connect Has Arrived”
When we performed our dance, we had the very best crowd reaction. Everyone in attendance loved Atlanta Igbo School. They shouted our name and the moment felt uplifting. I thank our Antie Queenette for including and teaching boys how to dance African dance.
I like the Igbo Village because it actually looked like a real representation of how houses looked like in a village in Nigeria. From the sand, to the type of pots, to the instruments that were there all reminded me of the time I went to visit Nigeria with my own family. Read more “Igbo Village Virginia Trip -1”
I will also thank the CISA people, and I appreciate that they have put this place [Igbo Village] together for us all. It allows to further connect with our culture. It also gives us the opportunity to meet others in our community that we may have never been able to see before. I hope that… Read more “Chisom Commends CISA”
I appreciate what CISA has done and I want to thank them for inviting us to be a part of this Igbo Village experience. We learned so much about our culture that we never knew and for that I am grateful and would love to go again. It is something I will never forget.
My trip to Virginia was very fun, exciting, and educational. I got to learn more about where I come from and the way we dress and different things like that. I learned a lot at the Frontier Culture Museum [Igbo Village]. Read more “Virginia Trip Essay”