Igbo Village Construction (2009 and Prior Years)

Igbo Village under Construction

In 2009 and prior years, Igbo Village was undergoing the process of conception, design, procurement of materials, and construction.


The State of Virginia conceived the idea and provided funding for Igbo Village construction.


The Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia (FCMV), an agency of the state of Virginia, consulted with African historians including Prof Emeritus Njoku Akuma Kalu (Ticha Akuma), who has authored several books and articles on the transatlantic migration of Africans from the homeland to America.


Igbo Village was designed to replicate the physical structure, setting and ambience of a West African farm village homestead in the 17th century.

Procurement of Materials

Materials used to build and furnish Igbo Village were sourced from southeastern Nigeria – homeland of the Igbo people.


Construction began in 2005 and was completed in 2010. Hundreds of volunteers in the United States (including CISA members) assisted in the construction of Igbo Village.

Photos and Videos