If you are planning to attend the 2022 Igbo World Festival of Arts and Culture and would like CISA to prepare a formal invitation letter to facilitate your USA visa application, please note the following:
Our invitation letters are meant to assist individuals and groups with demonstrated interest and/or involvement in supporting and promoting Igbo culture.
CISA kindly requests that each person requesting an invitation letter also purchase a full page Ad in the 2022 Igbo World Festival of Arts and Culture brochure. A full page Ad is $100. The Ad can be used for a congratulatory message, advertisement of a business or organization. Revenue from the brochure ads help offset the time/cost of preparing and managing invitation letters, organizing the Festival, supporting Igbo community initiatives at home and in Diaspora.
When requesting an invitation letter, please provide the following information:
Your full name exactly as it appears on your international passport
Your contact information: residential or office address, phone number and email address
A brief summary highlighting your past and recent involvement in promoting/supporting Igbo cultural heritage
Send this information, along with proof of $100 payment (see below) to admin@cisandiigbo.com; or contact Mr. Emeka Nwosu, CISA Planning Committee Vice Chair and Treasurer, at (757) 305-7489.
While many invitees have reported that our invitation letters facilitated their visa application, not everyone who applies for a USA visa is successful.
To request an invitation letter and pay for a full page Ad in the 2022 Festival brochure, please complete the form below. Then click on the Pay Now button to enter your payment details.