Brochure Advertisement & Messages

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Brochure Purchase Options

Regular Pages

A full page is $100.00

Half page is $75.00

You can pay for a full or half page Ad by completing the form below.

Please contact Mr. Emeka Nwosu, CISA Planning Committee Vice Chair and Treasurer, at (757) 305-7489 if you have questions.

Premium Pages (highest bidder wins)

Inside front page starts at $750

Inside back page starts at $750

Back page minimum starts at $1,500

To bid for and/or pay for Premium Ad pages, please contact Mr. Emeka Nwosu, CISA Planning Committee Treasurer, at (757) 305-7489.

To prepay for a full or half page Ad in the 2023 Festival brochure, please complete the form below. Then click the Pay Now button to enter your payment details.

Quantity:Ad CategoryPrice:Description:
Full page100.00 USDFull page Ad inside 2023 Igbo World Festival of Arts & Culture brpchure
Half page75.00 USDHalf page Ad inside 2023 Igbo World Festival of Arts & Culture brochure
After your payment is processed, a confirmation will be sent to your email address.